Cleaning & Care Products
Artweger shower enclosures are particularly easy to clean. Product details such as externally bonded hinges, concealed vertical silicone joints and reduced design elements help to keep your shower looking as good as new for many years.
To make maintenance easier, Artweger offers the glass refinement ARTCLEAR GLAS. ARTCLEAR GLAS uses a special substance and UV curing to create a particularly smooth and resistant glass surface - dirt and limescale residues hardly find a foothold. Due to the UV light treatment, this ARTCLEAR GLASS effect lasts for the life of the shower!
For rinsing shower glass, but also the bathtub and walls, we have developed the PLUS hand shower with a special cleaning jet. This full-surface jet rinses away most of the dirt residues and small water droplets and makes cleaning easier. Available from your plumber.